Filming Diary
Filming Diary
Risk Assesment and Contingency plan
Risk Assesment and Contingency plan
Risk Assesment and Contingency plan
Budget Plan
Budget Plan
Black & white shots
Risk Assessment and Contingency plan
Risk Assesment
Contingency Plan
On this page, I have completed a risk assessment and contingency plan. A risk assessment is a legal requirement therefore they needed to complete when filming in locations. Risk assessments allow for any risks to be assessed against the likelihood it will happen. Written on the risk assessment is the control measures and contingency plan for every risk listed.
A contingency plan assess problems and gives the solution. For example, if our main actor isn't in what is the solution. This will be in place for multiple things and if someone or something does go wrong the plan allows the mean by group to put the resolution in place so filming isn’t interpreted.
In this task, I have learnt the importance of a risk assessment and a contingency plan.